Guess what, I have fatty liver. Even though it is common, the ultimate outcome will be liver cancer if no treatment is taken. I found out this when I performed blood test few years back. One of liver statements called Gamma GT (GGT) is way too high (Pass = 49, mine = 200+). I do not drink alcohol or smoke. One reason I can think of is probably due to my eating habit, which is too “tam chiak” (overeating). Below are some tips on how to avoid fatty liver using natural diets.
- Consume adequate amount of vinegar.
- Reduce the intake of garlic. Even though it is found beneficial to human body, overdose will cause protein in red blood cell to reduce, which is bad for fatty liver patients.
- (Seriously I can’t do this) Don’t drink tea during meal. It contains tannin which absorb iron. In long run, it causes anemia and makes digest system slow => more toxic enter into our body.
- Don’t limit yourself on food. Take all kind of food.
- No alcoholic drink please.
- Take vitamin supplements.
- Take more high fiber food. Go toilet frequently.
- Utilize color. Pink color calms down patients. White/sea blue reduces tension. Green helps recovery. Have a walk outside.
- Don’t read books/watch TV over a long time of period.
Also, based on my experience, it is found that milk thistle somehow about to reduce GGT index.