When was our last time visiting a Malay cafe? The new Village Kitchen in D’Piazza Mall (GPS: 5.32672,100.28347) is an eye-opener to us as the modern cafe is a truly Malaysian cafe designed for customers from different races. Burger Nasi Lemak, anyone?
Yogurt, soft-serve, dry ice, nitrogen, and frozen pan… these are just few current ice cream trends in Penang. Despite of the creative methods in serving the ice cream, they usually share the same attribute – above-average price. Today, we bring you to an ice cream stall hidden in D’Piazza – Freddo in which their frozen ice cream is reasonably priced.
You want soup for what?
There are occasions in which you will be given tough questions, even by the restaurant’s host. There were only few reasons I could think of when a Bak Kut Teh restaurant’s asked you why you need more soup:
- Use as holy water and put it in bath tub
- Wash my car
- Take it back, reverse engineer and open a new Bak Kut Teh shop.
Demax @ D’Piazza

Chinese New Year is all about re-union. A group of food bloggers, including me, were having “re-union” in one of the restaurants at D’Piazza, Bayan Baru. Food bloggers come and go (some gave up blogging, some simply :imdead: due to food poisoning). It would be grateful if similar faces are still there during new year.